17173-风暴英雄专区 fbyx.17173.com



时间:2016-02-01 00:00 作者:渣尔杜姆 手机订阅 神评论




  VoiceOver/LeoricBase/KillWizard00=我一直都不喜欢你的态度。 /// I never liked your attitude.

  VoiceOver/LeoricSpacelord /IntroQuestion_WizardStar00=迟早你都会和我作对的,星辰公主…而到时你就知道什么叫悲惨了。 /// It is only a matter of time before you are on the other side, Star Princess... That is not something you will enjoy.

  VoiceOver/LeoricSpacelord /IntroResponse_WizardStar00=感谢这个世界不让我杀掉你吧,“公主”。 /// Be thankful this world binds me from killing you, "princess."

  VoiceOver/LeoricSpacelord/KillWizard00=你…不是她…但你的死亡仍让我倍感欢喜。 /// You... are not her... yet your death pleases me regardless.

  VoiceOver/LeoricSpacelord/KillWizardStar00=最终你还是失败了,公主。 /// At last your failure is complete, Princess.

  VoiceOver/WizardBase/IntroQuestion_Leoric00=我们是一伙儿的?这不可能。 /// We are on the same side? This doesn't make sense.

  VoiceOver/WizardBase/IntroQuestion_SpaceLordLeoric00=邪恶在这里必将失败,太空王! /// Your evil will not triumph here, Space Lord!

  VoiceOver/WizardBase/IntroResponse_Leoric00=总比和你结盟结果要好。 /// Better than my alliance with you.

  VoiceOver/WizardBase/IntroResponse_SpaceLordLeoric00=我要代表星星消灭你! /// In the name of the stars, I will punish you!

  VoiceOver/WizardBase/KillLeoric00=我到底要杀你几次? /// How many times do I have to do this?


  Mount/Info/CountArthasMorphForm=血腥伯爵阿尔萨斯从 来都不是一个好学的学生。如此一来,他在变形法术方面糟糕的技巧也不会令人感到奇怪了。尽管如此,他的这副摸样还是有些吓人。 /// Marquis Arthas was never one for intensive study. It is little wonder, then, that his mastery over the power of transformation is somewhat... incomplete. Still, it makes for a fearsome visage.

  Mount/Info /LunarDragon=在所有春节最具标志性的代表中,春节祥龙是最重要的一个。它凶猛的外表据说是为了吓退妖魔鬼怪……以及时空枢纽里某些弱小的敌 人。 /// Among the most iconic images of the Lunar Festival is the Lunar Dragon. Its fierce appearance is said to ward off evil spirits... and perhaps some weaker foes within the Nexus.

  Reward/Description /FantasyBracketParticipationPortrait=感谢你参加2016年度宿舍英雄赛事预测。请收下这个头像作为谢礼! /// Thank you for participating in the 2016 Heroes of the Dorm fantasy bracket. Please accept this portrait as a token of our appreciation!

  Reward/Description /MonkeyElderPortraitIcon=感谢你参加2016春节活动。请收下这个头像作为欢庆节日的礼物! /// Thank you for participating in the 2016 Lunar Festival. Please accept this portrait in celebration of the event!

  Reward/Description/UnitedProtossCollectionPortrait=恭喜你的阿塔尼斯、泽拉图和塔萨达 尔 都达到了英雄等级10级!En taro Adun!愿这个头像能指引你的联盟走向胜利。 /// Congratulations on reaching Hero level 10 with Artanis, Zeratul and Tassadar! En taro Adun! May this new portrait symbolize your strength in unity.

  Reward/Description/UnlockArena=您解锁了竞技模式! /// You unlocked access to the Arena!

  Reward/Name/MonkeyElderPortraitIcon=猴王头像 /// Monkey Elder Portrait

  Skin/Info /ArthasCrimsonCount=只有少数几个莎拉·冯·凯瑞甘的求婚者像血腥伯爵阿尔萨斯·杜·米奈希尔那样无畏、傲慢。血腥伯爵希望他们不洁 的结合可以彻底消灭乌鸦庭的吸血鬼杀手们。 /// Few of Sarah von Kerrigan’s suitors are as bold or brash as Marquis Arthas du Menethl. The Crimson Count hopes their unholy union will spell doom for Raven Court’s vampire slayers.

  Skin/Info/IllidanLunar=许多年来,伊利丹都唾弃德鲁伊的 传统。但在这春节的节日气氛感染下,就连他也放下了这常年的怨恨,与他的兄弟一道纪念怒风家族逝去的长者和先人。 /// For most of the year, Illidan loathes druidic customs. But during the Lunar Festival, even he sets aside old grudges and joins his brother in honoring the departed elders of the Stormrage family.

  Skin/Info /LunarJaina=最近几年,艾泽拉斯大陆都通过春节活动来纪念长者,吉安娜也不例外。在这个未来充满动荡的时代,通过纪念过去,才能更好地审视自 己、展望未来。 /// In recent years, all of Azeroth has celebrated the yearly Lunar Festival in honor of their elders. Jaina is no exception. In times when the future is uncertain, it's important to honor the past.

  Skin/Info /MedicSkinLove=不管你是心碎了、心在滴血或是心脏跑到身体外面去了,爱心医生都可以帮到你! /// Whether your heart is broken, bleeding, or located somewhere outside of your body, the Love Doctor will patch you right up.

  Mount/Info/StarChariot=受到爱与正 义魔法的驱使,星辰战车带着星辰公主冲入战斗与邪恶力量对抗。每一部星辰战车都是各位公主精神与个性的体现。 /// Conjured by the magic of love and justice, the Star Chariots carry the Star Princesses into battle against the forces of evil. Each one is a reflection of its Princess’s own spirit and personality.

  Hero/Info/Wizard=“魔法师”这个贬义词往往被 用来形容像教徒般狂热或走火入魔的法师。李敏虽然看上去两者兼备,但她并不对此感到羞耻。毕竟,谁有资格评判一个拥有无尽奥术力量的人呢? /// The derogatory moniker "wizard" is often given to mages with rebellious attitudes or an obsession with power. Li-Ming displays a little of both and she's hardly ashamed of it. After all, who are they to judge a wielder of limitless arcane magic?

  Skin/Info/WizardSkinStarPrincess=在 时间的长河中,地球一直受到神秘的星辰公主们的保护。以爱与友情之名,她们团结在一起对抗邪恶的永恒帝国和他们的太空王。 /// For eons, Earth has been protected by the magical Star Princesses. Together, they stand against the evil Eternal Empire and its Space Lords in the name of love and friendship.

  Skin/Info/WizardSkinUltimate=曾经,只有在燃烧地狱中与恶魔鏖战的魔 法师才有资格穿上传奇的御法者护甲。而穿上它的人更是受到众人的尊敬和畏惧。但自从有了幻化…… /// Once, only wizards who had spent countless hours braving the inferno were able to attain the fabled archon armor. Those who adorned it were both respected and feared. Then came transmog...

