17173-风暴英雄专区 fbyx.17173.com



时间:2017-01-09 00:00 作者:dotZ 手机订阅 神评论








Hero/AlternateNameSearchText/Zuljin=祖尔金 /// Zuljin

Hero/Description/Zuljin=充满攻击性的远程攻击者,随生命值减少而变得愈发强大。能在战斗结束后恢复生命值。 /// Aggressive ranged attacker who gets stronger as his health decreases. Can regenerate health after fights.

Hero/Info/Zuljin=在精灵和他们的盟友到来之前,洛丹伦的森林属于阿曼尼帝国的巨魔们。作为他们的督军,祖尔金统一了所有部族,组成一支大军准备杀光所有精灵,并夺回原本属于他们的一切。 /// Before the elves and their Alliance, the forests of Lordaeron belonged to the trolls of the Amani empire. As their warlord, Zul'jin has united the tribes into an army that stands ready to take back what is theirs and to slay the elves who stole it from them.

Skin/Info/ZuljinFire=灰烬领主很少离开他们的熔岩领域,只会在大地的怒火爆发时才会出现。一旦他们点燃战火,没有人能阻挡他们的怒火。 /// The Emberlords seldom leave their molten domains, choosing to emerge only when the earth’s rage demands retribution. Once they are on the warpath, nothing can withstand their fury.

Skin/Info/ZuljinUltimate=在巨魔战争之前,阿曼尼帝国是一个伟大而强盛的文明。祖尔金重新点燃了历任督军们的烽火,并穿上了他们的仪式战甲以示尊敬。 /// Prior to the Troll Wars, the Amani Empire was a great and powerful civilization. Zul'jin has rekindled the flames of its former warlords, and has donned their ceremonial battle armor as a sign of respect.

Mount/Info/MountBearWar=只有以最快速度横扫巨魔神庙祖阿曼的英雄才能驯服这些稀有的战斗坐骑。在时空枢纽中驯服它们可容易多了。 /// Only the swiftest heroes venturing into the troll temple of Zul'Aman were able to subdue these rare battle mounts. It's much easier to tame them in the Nexus.

VoiceOver/ZuljinBase/Pissed00=你想干嘛? /// Whatchu wan'?

VoiceOver/ZuljinBase/Pissed01=你想让我杀谁? /// Who you want me kill?

VoiceOver/ZuljinBase/Pissed02=阿曼尼不会消失……我们也永远不会消失。 /// Da Amani been around forever... and we gonna STAY around forever.

VoiceOver/ZuljinBase/Pissed03=你为什么一直点我,就不能干点别的吗? /// Oof. Why don'tchu build a bridge and get undah it?

VoiceOver/ZuljinBase/Pissed04=一斧头不能解决的事儿,那就两斧头。 /// Axe me no question, I tell ya no lie.

VoiceOver/ZuljinBase/Pissed05=在这个游戏里啊,你先要拿经验值,有了经验值你就能升级,升了级你就变强了,强了你就…… 等会,我在说啥? /// In dis game, you gotta get da xp first. Then when you get da xp, you get da power! Then when you get da powah, you get da-- Wait, what we even talkin' bout?

VoiceOver/ZuljinBase/Pissed06=你要是再点我……我就要狂暴了。 /// You keep pushing my buttons... gonna make me go berserk.

VoiceOver/ZuljinBase/Pissed07=啊,你喜欢我的新衣服?我在阿曼尼隔壁的阿玛尼买的。 /// Ah, you like da new armor? Got it at de Amani Exchange!

VoiceOver/ZuljinBase/Pissed08=你要是一直这么按,我就会一直唠叨个不停。 /// If ya keep feeding to DIS troll, I'm just gonna keep comin' back.

VoiceOver/ZuljinBase/Pissed09=鞋子?那是什么鬼?变态才会在自己脚上穿一堆布吧?我要告诉我所有的兄弟,永远不要穿鞋,永远不要! /// Shoes? What are dose? What kinda monster wear little prison on dere feet? I gonna tell all my bruddahs tah never wear 'em. Ever!

VoiceOver/ZuljinBase/Pissed10=嘿!别摸头发,我可不是神灯。 /// Hey! No touching da hair! I dun' grant no stinkin' wishes.

VoiceOver/ZuljinBase/Pissed11=哦?!他们现在是血精灵了?很好!接下去他们就是死精灵了! /// Oh!?! Dey call demselves da blood elves now, do dey? Good! Soon dey be da dead elves!

VoiceOver/ZuljinBase/Pissed12=这些斧头到底从哪儿来的?我扔一把,就来一把新的。扔斧头,新斧头!嗯……这肯定是强大的巫毒法术。 /// Where all dese axes be coming from anyway? I throw axe. I get a new axe. Throw axe? New axe! Hmm... dis some powerful voodoo.

VoiceOver/ZuljinBase/Pissed13=有时候森林对巨魔来说可是个稀奇的玩意儿。 /// Sometime it can be hard to see da forest for da trolls.

VoiceOver/ZuljinBase/Pissed14=呃,把我左手也砍了吧,别再戳我了。 /// Ugh. I'd give my left arm for ya to stop pokin' me.

VoiceOver/ZuljinBase/Resurrected00=嗯?你把祖尔金救回来了?哈!我喜欢你。 /// Hm? You bring back Zul'jin? Ha! I tink I be liking you.

VoiceOver/ZuljinBase/Resurrected01=这事儿可别告诉别人,行么? /// Uh. We gonna keep dis between us, yeah?

VoiceOver/ZuljinBase/Attack04=Da Amani di chuka! (Translation: 阿曼尼必胜!) /// Da Amani di chuka! (Translation: The Amani will prevail!)

VoiceOver/ZuljinBase/Healed00=哈,奶量充足,正正好好。 /// Hah. Good healin'. Good times.

VoiceOver/ZuljinBase/IntroQuestion_Alliance00=你和你的精灵伙伴会付出代价的…… /// You and your little elfy friends gonna pay...

VoiceOver/ZuljinBase/IntroQuestion_Demon00=哇哦,你身上有好多邪恶的魔法。 /// Whoa. You got some serious bad mojo going on.

VoiceOver/ZuljinBase/IntroQuestion_Elf00=祖尔金盯上你了,精灵。还有我的斧头。 /// Da eye of Zul'jin be upon you, elf. Mebbe my axe too.

VoiceOver/ZuljinBase/IntroQuestion_Horde00=部落?从你接受精灵的那一刻开始,你就是祖尔金的敌人了。 /// Da Horde? When you choose da elves, you choose to make an enemy of Zul'jin.

VoiceOver/ZuljinBase/IntroQuestion_Murky00=嗯,你太小吃起来不够味。也许我该把你放了,嗯? /// Hmm. A little small for good eating. Maybe I trow you back, huh?

VoiceOver/ZuljinBase/IntroResponse_Alliance00=我从不相信联盟。等这场打完,你也一样。 /// I never gonna trust no Alliance. When dis be over, so be you.

VoiceOver/ZuljinBase/IntroResponse_Demon00=啊,神灵警告过我们不要接近你们。 /// Ahh, Da Loa warn us about tings like you.

VoiceOver/ZuljinBase/IntroResponse_Elf00=一个死精灵才是一个好精灵,还有…… /// Only good elf, is dead elf. And even den...

VoiceOver/ZuljinBase/IntroResponse_Horde00=我已经不属于部落了,我会盯着你的。 /// My time wit da Horde be over. I be watching you close.

VoiceOver/ZuljinBase/IntroResponse_Human00=说得好像我会听人类的话一样。 /// Like I be listening to a pink skin.

VoiceOver/ZuljinBase/IntroResponse_Murky00=你说什么?再说一遍!我就是这么想的! /// Whatchu say to me? Say it again! Dat's what I thought!

VoiceOver/ZuljinBase/KillArthas00=阿曼尼不怕人类!尤其是死掉的人类! /// Da Amani never fear no human! Specially no dead one!

VoiceOver/ZuljinBase/KillBloodelf00=这片土地属于阿曼尼,别忘了。 /// Dis land belong to da Amani, elf. Never forget it.

VoiceOver/ZuljinBase/KillGuldan00=哈,奥格瑞姆一直都说你是个弱者。 /// Ha, Orgrim always said you were weak.

VoiceOver/ZuljinBase/KillHorde00=呸,去他的部落! /// Bah. I spit on da Horde!

VoiceOver/ZuljinBase/KillNightElf00=暗夜精灵……白天精灵……反正你现在是死精灵。 /// Night elf... Day elf... Now you dead elf.

VoiceOver/ZuljinBase/KillSylvanas00=嗯,杀一个死掉的精灵一点意思都没有。 /// Hmm. Less fun killing elf dat already dead.

VoiceOver/ZuljinBase/KillThrall00=拿着毁灭之锤并不意味着你就是毁灭之锤,孩子。 /// You may carry his hamma, but you be no Doomhamma, boy.

VoiceOver/ZuljinBase/KillUther00=叫你的圣光来啊,圣骑士! /// Heal dat, paladin!

VoiceOver/ZuljinBase/KillWitchDoctor00=也许我能拿着你的头到处转悠,嗯? /// Mebbe I carry YOUR head aroun' for a while. Huh?

VoiceOver/ZuljinBase/KillZeratul00=面罩是我先发明的! /// Da scarf was my ting first!

VoiceOver/ZuljinBase/UI_WaitPurchased01=你敢盯着祖尔金?那祖尔金就盯着你。 /// You stare at Zul'jin? Zul'jin stare at you.

VoiceOver/ZuljinBase/Comeback00=爱死这种感觉啦!斧头飞起来别停! /// I love it! Keep da axes flying!








Luxorian Nights Bundle约为10号。(ReleaseDate Day="10" Year="2017")



Button/Tooltip/TassadarMentalAcuityOracleTalentTokenComplete= 任务完成!   击杀英雄:   /   冷却时间缩短:   攻击范围扩大: 20%  ///  QUEST COMPLETE!   Heroes killed:  /   Cooldown reduction:  Attack Range Increase:  20%

Button/Tooltip/TassadarMysticPursuitTalent=风暴英雄PTR数据挖掘:祖尔金段子集/图标/礼包 任务: 恢复之球会让塔萨达尔恢复额外 100% 的法力值。   风暴英雄PTR数据挖掘:祖尔金段子集/图标/礼包 奖励: 当收集到   个恢复之球后,你的普通攻击范围扩大   %  

Button/Tooltip/TassadarMysticPursuitTalentTokenComplete= 任务完成!   已收集恢复之球:   /   普通攻击范围: + %

Button/Tooltip/TassadarPsionicStormPsiInfusionTalentToken= 获得法力:   /

Button/Tooltip/TassadarPsionicStormPsiInfusionTalentTokenComplete= 任务完成!   获得法力值:   / 灵能风暴范围扩大: 50%

Button/Tooltip/TassadrMentalAcuityOracleTalentToken= 击杀英雄:   /   冷却时间减免:

Button/Tooltip/TassadrMysticPursuitTalentToken= 已收集恢复之球:   /   ///  Globes gathered:  /


Reward/DescriptionUnearned/BloodlustBrawlPortrait=感谢你参加本周的嗜血乱斗 /// Thank you for participating in this week's Bloodlust Brawl

Reward/DescriptionUnearned/MageWarsPortrait=感谢你参加本周的魔法大战乱斗 /// Thank you for participating in this week's Mage Wars Brawl

Reward/Name/BloodlustBrawlPortrait=嗜血乱斗头像 /// Bloodlust Brawl Portrait

Reward/Name/ForumAccessLicense=论坛权限 /// Forum Access

Reward/Name/MageWarsPortrait=魔法大战头像 /// Mage Wars Portrait

Skin/Info/MonkTiger=数百年来,铜虎教团一直在训练门徒,以防备蝎群的归来。现在,他们苦练多年的武技终于到了考验的时刻。 /// For centuries, the Order of the Bronze Tiger has trained its disciples for the return of the Scorpid Swarm. Now, at long last, the time has come to put their skills to the test.

UI/HeroSelect/PartySizeHighWaitTimeTooltip=目前由%partySize%名玩家组成的队伍需要经历较长的等待时间。 想要更快地进入游戏,尝试以%betterPartySize%名玩家组成的队伍来进行匹配。 /// Parties of %partySize%  player,players  are currently experiencing long wait times. To get into a game faster, try queuing in a party of %betterPartySize%  player,players .

Skin/Info/ChromieGenie=尽管拥有强大的魔法力量,卢克索利亚的精灵们通常只会出现在凡人的梦境中来指引和影响他们。而克罗米,则喜欢用更直接的方式。 /// Despite their immense magical power, Luxorian genies usually guide and influence mortals by appearing in their dreams. Chromie, however, favors a more direct approach.
